Friday, March 30, 2007

My take on Cap

So, there's something you should know before I give you my (late) take on the (late) Steve Rogers. I'm at the end of my rope with Marvel. I grew up in love with the characters, and I still am, but the lengthy pointlessness of Civil War has really made me fed up with Joey Q's sales-first attitude to define success.

Were all those issues and tie-ins really necessary? I know Marvel wanted to establish a new-world-order and all, but how long does it take? Poke fun at DC and Superboy's Universe-shattering punches, but it got the job done in a hurry, didn't it?

So when I heard Cap was going to bite the big one in the name of sales, I was not thrilled and was ready to jump ship.

BUT, when I finally read the issue -- Ed Brubaker does good work. He claims killing Cap was his plan in the long run anyway, and whether he is truthful saying that or not, he made all of this work for me.

Without giving too much away, I'm anticipating the solid character arc with Bucky to only become stronger now, I love the torn feelings he is portraying. And, I expect Brubaker's love for the character of Sharon to eventually culminate in her being the true hero in all of this.

What I'm not expecting is Steve Rogers to come back in the next three or four years. I blame Marvel. But guys like Brubaker are making it impossible for me to take too tough a stance against them. Cap #26 will still be in my buy pile.

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