Saturday, April 5, 2008

No ending for 'Assassin's Creed'

Last night, I finished "Assassin's Creed" (yes, I know I am late to the party, I've apologized before).

And while the game was just a bit too easy for my tastes, there was more than enough fun 'boss' assassinations and 'informer' assassinations to make this game a should-play for most of you out there. Even the repetition did not feel so bad later in the game, thanks to those mission assassinations.

However, when I got to the ending... there's wasn't one. If you've played it, I'm sure you know what I mean. If you haven't played it, I won't spoil it for you. But I was awfully confused when I finished the game at 5 a.m. last night. It's the only time I've ever beaten a game and then had to say to myself 'Time to go online and find an explanation for that.'

Well, I found the explanation, a good one. And for those of you in need, I decided I would post it at THIS LINK.

And actually, as it turned out, I discerned most of the 'ending' on my own, anyway. It is all just a bunch of clues as to what the next two installments of this trilogy might bring.

Oh well, time to move on to the next game I didn't have time to play all winter. Heeeelllloooo Mario Galaxy!

1 comment:

Adam said...

Yeah. Pretty much the same story when I beat that game. They could have made the missions a little more interesting instead of spending time dropping hints about the next install ments.