Monday, May 5, 2008


Thank you Marvel. Though your comic writers steal hundreds of dollars from me yearly on storylines that never pan out, you've made up for it with your movie announcement today.

Read the full story on the Journal's Web site HERE, Marvel announced a whole slew of movies today, all will be out in 2010 and 2011 (supposedly):

"Iron Man 2" on April 30, 2010 (duh, we knew it was coming, read my thoughts on the first Iron Man movie by scrolling down)

"Thor" on June 4, 2010 (wow, finally a Thor movie? But, that makes three Avengers with movies...)

"The First Avenger: Captain America" on May 6, 2011 (Whoa! We've been waiting for a Cap movie for how long? But if Cap's at the party then that must mean...)

"The Avengers" in July of 2011 (YES! We knew you'd do it, Marvel! We just knew it!)

BIG NEWS, eh? I do have some questions here, though. First off, the title of the Captain America movie — "First Avenger" — Does that mean we'll be seeing a 1940's period piece with Cap, showing him pre-freeze? Marvel Studios doesn't have the rights to Namor, if they wanted to include "The Invaders." And, if this is the plot, we would know the Avengers movie would likely center around Cap's excavation and subsequent problems adjusting to society. This title is definitely a clue as to what this movie will focus on, but there are quite a few different ways you can take a Captain America movie.

Also, I wonder how the shooting schedule would work for the actor playing Steve Rogers. In order for him to shoot the Cap movie and the Avengers movie back to back, I would think they would need to have that casting done and script done in a hurry. For that matter, Is Robert Downey, Jr. just going to be shooting Iron Man/Avengers movies for the next two years also?

And, speaking of Tony Stark, I cannot wait to see how Downey, Jr's Tony Stark interacts with the fish-out-of-water Steve Rogers on film. And speaking of big stars, is Edward Norton going to be involved here, too? And is S.H.I.E.L.D. just going to be showing up in every movie, developing that angle without even a "Nick Fury" movie of its own?

So many questions! Not enough answers! Damn You Marvel for laying so much knowledge on us at once! Am I the only one who wants 2010 to get here, pronto?

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