Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Buy Pile Report: Ultimate X-Men

OK, I already posted the "Heavy Hitters" of this week's Buy Pile in my last post (see below), but I just had to get on here to post the most shocking news of the week.

Ultimate X-Men #94 .... it was.... good! No, not even good. Considering the current state of the series, it was GREAT!

This issue returns the series to the fun feel the series had through the first 60 issues or so. Well, maybe 40 of those first 60 issues, as the series was uneven before turning crappy.

An all-different Alpha Flight attacks the school, right in the middle of a patented Xavier's baseball game (which, you have to love that this new writer Aaron Coleite respects the ole' Claremont games), and promptly wipes the floor with our Merry Mutants, including Jean "Phoenix" Grey (who's time on a higher plane of existence as Phoenix lasted all of zero issues, thank god).

But, that's only the premise for this story. Turns out, Alpha Flight and Colossus share more than one connection, leading to a MAJOR turning point in this series, it seems. I just don't want to give away too much.

The final page will make your eyes get wide, I guarantee it.

For the first time in years, I am optimistic this series can become what it once was, even if some of the dialog in this issue was a tad cheesy. There goes the $2.99 I was hoping to save each month!

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