Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Heroes Report: Volume III Finale

So, the third "Volume" of "Heroes" came to an end last night. And I put "Volume" in quotation marks because, it hit me while watching these storylines "climax" last night that this whole season has just felt like one disjointed episode after another, not a cohesive story.

True to form, "Heroes" ended this first half of season three in sea of nonsensical events, not the least of which was technically the beginning of Volume Four: "Fugitives."

(Spoiler Warning)

Let me get this straight. At the end of Season Two, Nathan is all set to tell the world about abilities. He then saw the error of his ways to the point where he technically became the leader of a group trying to give thousands of people abilities. Now, after being thwarted, he wants everyone with abilities to be hunted down. That's a logical character arc. Almost as logical as Peter and Nathan's new relationship.

Speaking of Peter, very convenient that he regained his powers at the last minute, huh? That fit nicely before 10 p.m., eh?

I think the bigger problem, though, is I feel like the writers are so strapped for good ideas that they've decided to bring back one of their alternate future stories and go the route of "Nathan is evil President, Peter leads the resistance, HRG helps kids stay covered, blah blah blah." Why else would they have Nathan positioning himself like he was at the end of this episode?

And, not to get overly geeky here, but I am a firm believer that Sci-Fi needs to adhere to its own set rules in order to make sense. "Heroes" established a rule that the future is very uncertain and can always be shaped, which is where the whole "seeing the future, change the future" recurring storyline comes from. Why, then, do we keep on getting these HORRIBLE stories with Hiro in which he goes into important parts of his past, screws everything up, and somehow everything is still hunky-doory? Again, not to get overly geeky, but Hiro splitting that formula in two is a MAJOR rift in reality.

P.S. Amazing how Daphne learned how to precisely find someone 16 years in the past so quickly, eh? That wrapped up very conveniently before 10 p.m., huh?

And I guess that brings us to "Saw VII." Oh, wait, I mean, that brings us to Sylar in the Company House. I know the fanboys out there probably loved this crap. But come on. Every aspect of this story was directed like a cheesy action flick:

Claire has just six bullets but she wastes one on the phone.
Bennett decides to split the quartet up just to better protect an evil old hag he has no true connection to.
They are held in the building by bars on the windows, and they have someone who could have just MELTED the bars away.
Bennett thinks of melting/shooting the bullet-proof glass only after Claire shows up.
Somehow, a fire in the supposedly impenetrable cells causes the building to explode.
When the building is exploding, Claire and HRG do the running down a hallway with the explosion behind them thing... but there was no easy exit at the end of that hallway, they showed the hallway earlier in the episode. And I like that they did have an easy exit only after Sylar was "dead."

But, of course, Sylar is not dead, since we already have heard all about how Sylar will be meeting his true father in Volume IV.

What made the first season fantastic were two things:

1) Though these characters were "Special," for the most part, their problems were not only realistic, but within the realm of what us normal people could say "we could do that if ...."

2) The writers had a clear vision of the story they wanted to tell. They told it, took their time, and didn't worry about what the Internet had to say since most of the episodes were done already.

Lately, we've gotten nothing but confusing out of reach stories, breaking the set rules of the "Heroes" universe, and overly dramatic (not in a good way) episodes that are clearly pandering to what the Internet "wants" (if it's possible for the Internet to have one cohesive opinion).

And did I mention almost ALL of the new character we met this season were not just dispatched, but they were Killed? Way to ruin potential future stories, boys. When people say they want more death on "Heroes," they're talking about the characters that constantly come back from the dead, not the characters you could easily jettison from the storyline to use another day.

Frankly, I've said it before, I'll say it again, this show is almost beyond saving, as long as there are so few genuine stories and so little tension. What a disappointment.

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