Wednesday, May 9, 2007

China is building a super-villain fortress

OK, first we had the story a few weeks ago stating that China was going to control the weather in the days prior to the 2008 Olympic Games, in order to make it rain and insure sunny skies for the games.

Now comes a story that states during the games in Beijing, the only place you will be able to find safe drinking water from the tap is Olympic Village!

Check out this from the Associated Press:

" 'The quality of the water provided by the water plants is safe enough,' said Bi Xiaogang, vice director general of the Beijing Water Management Bureau. 'The water is contaminated during the secondary supply process, in the transfer of water. Therefore it is not safe to drink from the tap. We are still working on upgrading the secondary facilities. But in the Olympic Village we will provide safe drinking water from the tap.' "

Is is just me, or does this sniff a whole lot like China is building a Super-Villain fortress? I mean, is Egg Fu behind all of this? Is the compound secured by The Great Ten? Is Will Magnus inside there building a Plutonium Man?

Scary stuff, friends. Scary scary China.

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