Tuesday, May 1, 2007

This week's comic expectations

As you can probably tell from my last entry, I'm thrilled to have Astonishing X-Men come out this week. Joss Whedon's stories have been the best X-Men stuff since the early '90's, so I'll happily take his stories whenever they come out, even if it's only once in two months. We're still waiting to see how colossus is going to end up killing all of the Breakworld, and We still have yet to see how Cyclops is going to get his powers back (and he better get them back before Whedon leaves the title!)

What I'm sure more people are interested in this week, though, is the beginnings of World War Hulk. The crossover event kicks off in Incredible Hulk #106 and the World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker.

And here is where you can begin calling me a hypocrite. I've spent countless hours bitching about Civil War -- how Marvel made the event last 5 times longer than it should have just to milk the "Civil War" brand in sales. I denounced how Marvel makes their events. Well... World War Hulk is looking pretty darned cool. I mean, who can turn down good old 'HULK SMASH!' ? And it seems to me that if you're going to jump on board for this event, the Prologue is the perfect place to start. If you don't jump on board, you're probably a smarter man than I.

It's a slow week for DC, but 52 #52 is a big enough issue to headline a week. I don't need to tell you, this is the very last step linking 52 to "One Year Later," and will also spinoff into the upcoming Booster Gold series.

Also from DC, Teen Titans #46 ends Geoff Johns' brilliant run on the title, and ends the "Titans East" storyline. And while the ending of issue #45 was a bit cheesy (Nightwing and other former Titans showed up for the ole' 'Titans Together!' thing), it might have simply been a device for new writer Adam Beechen to re-mix the team a bit in the coming issues. If that's the case, this is a can't-miss issue for Titans fans.

As always, all of your thoughts on what you buy are welcome, and I'll discuss my own Buy Pile Wednesday night.

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