Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hulk declares War

Well, he technically didn't "declare war" ... he actually said "Puny humans. I've come to Smash."

Anywhere else, this line would have been horrible cheesy silver-age-esque writing. Somehow, when Hulk says it, it just makes you want to cheer. And World War Hulk #1 makes you want to cheer.

I didn't, since I'm reading at my desk in the middle of the Poughkeepsie Journal's newsroom, but I sure wanted to.

I'll give a brief recap of the story before going into a couple of specifics for those of you who want to be spoiled on this issue... The jist of this issue, and it sounds so simple, Hulk comes to Earth, threatens to take action in 24 hours Smashing New York City, if the group that sent him into space doesn't face him. And yes, by the end of this issue, we already get to see the Big Greenie duke it out with Iron Man.

In the FIRST ISSUE we get this!

The best part about this story, too, is that it feels accessible to all of you Non-Geeks out there who are interested. There is plenty of backstory, its true, with all the Planet Hulk stuff -- but it is actually recapped pretty well in a short amount of time in the first few pages. At one point, the Hulk actually addresses all of the world (via Hologram and TV) explaining his situation.

And once the situation is explained, all that's left to know is Hulk likes to destroy things and say a five-letter word beginning in "S."

OK, So now that the basics are covered, lets get to the SPOILERS:

Here's some thoughts, in page order, while reading:

1) "This is the story of the Hulk. A monster who fell from the sky to the savage planet of Sakaar, a whole world of monsters. But while they stabbed him, burned him, and ate his very flesh, he never forgot the real monsters... the puny humans who sent him here."

That is one of the greatest paragraph to start a mini-series in the history of Man.

2) The one thing this issue is missing is the actual detailing of Hulk's fight with Black Bolt. B.B. is a guy who, as we are told, is one of the most powerful men in the galaxy. And we're left to our own imagination of how Hulk won the fight. I would have settled to simply see Hulk grab him by the mouth, and we can assume Black Bolt couldn't speak for the rest of the fight.

3) That said, "I didn't come here for a whisper, I want to hear you scream" is CLASSIC!

4) I love the imagination of Greg Pak in regards to the Hologram address -- Hulk was truly larger than life and imposing...

5) That said, it would be completely against how the marvel-universe public is portrayed if they showed him any sympathy. After Civil War, it should be obvious the general public would have supported sending Hulk away... maybe that will come into play in a few issues?

6) Great portrayal of Dr. Strange, refusing to give their own Hulk problems to some other planet...

7) I cannot believe we actually got a Marvel comic that actually gives you what you want to see -- a Hulk/Iron Man fight -- in the first issue!

8) The moment when Hulk screams out "Caiera!" while getting blown up is what makes this story more than simply "Hulk Smash" ... for the first time, he's truly fighting with a purpose...

9) How many times is New York City going to get destroyed in a short amount of time???

10) One last question... if Hulk is so angry, then why is he leaving people alive? Why didn't he kill Black Bolt and why do I have a feeling he is going to leave his fight with Iron Man and the two will fight again? That just doesn't make much sense to me...

Anyway, I could not be happier with this issue. If you've any thoughts, post them!

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