Thursday, June 21, 2007

Who wants to be a Superhero Again? has pictures and bios up from all 10 contestants on next month's season two of "Who Wants to Be a Superhero?" at THIS LINK.

The fella to the right is "Mindset," a telekinetic time traveler from the future, aiming to save the past. Apparently in the future, the cholesterol problem has really gotten out of control, so this schmuck was sent to the past to eat every hot dog on the planet.

Poor poor Stan Lee for getting involved with this show, and then sticking with it. Although, I do enjoy watching the show for the cheese factor -- like last year's mission in which the true test of heroics was stopping to help a lost child instead of finishing the objective they were told they would have to accomplish. Or the show where they had to run like 40 yards to some house's porch despite rabid dogs biting and clawing them all the way.

The show comes back July 26.

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