Thursday, April 19, 2007

Full War Report

Everyone had their chance to read? Everyone? Let's see a show of hands. Everyone? Billy? Good, then we can get started with the Spoiler-riddled review of World War III.

As I said yesterday, 52 #50 did little more than show the final outcome of the war, and make us all curious as to what Booster Gold, one of my personal favorite DC characters, is up to.

The meat of the story can be found in the four-part accompanying series. So what did we learn there?

Well, Aquaman used his the bones from his former hand to save lots of people from drowning, and in doing so became a monster. What the coast guard was doing during all of that, I have no idea, but those people seemed like, for some reason, the ocean was forcing them to stay underwater. And for a very long time. The art killed the scene in my opinion, it was simply confusing, especially in relation to the amount of time that had passed. While I was reading I was just thinking to myself 'Arthur! Save your effort, those poor bastards must have drowned by now!'

And, apparently, our big grand explanation for Supergirl joining the Legion of Superheroes is that the Infinite Crisis' Zeta Beam stuck her there, and it just so happens it sent her back just about the time of the "One Year Later" event. Hmn. Convenient. Its about the equivalent of DC saying "Umm, let's just say a Wizard did it. That's the ticket." And DC could not have simply given us their one-sentence explanation months ago... why?

Donna Troy taking on the mantle of Wonder Woman. Boy what a story we got there. Woo! What a long plotline! Man, I was floored. Let me catch my breath! OK.

Same with Firestorm/Firehawk. Though I don't mind that we didn't spend much time on this, seeing as both characters bore the hell out of me.

Jason Todd is apparently beating up criminals and stealing their stolen money. This needed to be part of World War III.... why? I mean, yeah, it showed some degree of profiteering, and it showed that Todd is still pissed at Batman and is wondering why Bruce is not fighting against Black Adam... but why did this have to be a part of this event? This could have been in any issue of 52 so far -- in a World War III mini-series I want to see some War, damnit!

Terra died. It would have been more emotional had we not learned this two weeks ago.
Frankenstein did too. It would have been more emotional if anyone gave a crap about him.

I liked how Gar was the clear-cut leader of the Teen Titans in these issues, showing the real reason why he fled the team for the Doom Patrol. I did not buy his "One Year Later" explanation, and the fact that he blames himself for all this death is a much better reason for leaving the Titans.

I enjoyed the fact that J'onn J'onzz played the biggest role of anyone because, even though DC forgets about it often, the Martian Manhunter is likely the second most powerful hero in the Universe behind Superman. It is only fitting that J'onn be the one that gives Adam his biggest headache (or tied for biggest with Captain Marvel, also fitting). And while his whole inner-turmoil thing was a little confusing and vague at times, I think the overall idea held up, as J'onn fighting through his pain paralleling Adam acting out because of it.

That said, J'onn's new look really blows. And his mini-series was not much better, but that is a post for another time.

My one real real REAL BIG problem with the execution of World War III, however, is not enough contrast between the young heroes and the Justice Society. I wanted those Everyman Project youngsters to charge into the fray and get their butts slammed by Black Adam to such an extent that their presence actually slowed the Justice Society down. I wanted there to be a visible problem with these green-behind the ears heroes running around. That would have hammered home the idea that they not only need to be taught for their own benefit, but for the world's. Instead, we see that Infinity Inc. was simply too scared to fight. What a letdown. It really changes how realistic the first issue of the new Justice Society comic was, in hindsight.

All of that said, however, the ending was so good it was all worth it. How do you stop Black Adam without killing him? By taking away his magic word! It's GENIUS! I don't know if they thought that up way back when Captain Marvel was appointed the head of magic (highly doubtful) but its really not often I am shocked by the ending of a fight, and that was a true shocker. And 10 years down the line or so, when some writer remembers Black Adam is still alive and looking for blood, we're going to have another great fight to read.

Well, that's about it. Now, on to the last two issues of 52, where we get to see the Big Three return, and learn what is up with Booster Gold.

Finally, a moment of silence for Frankenstein. Whoever the hell he is.

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